In 2010 MIHR theatre has launched the project International Choreography Lab. In the framework of the project MIHR theatre invites art experts, choreographers, art managers to conduct master classes in Armenia on contemporary theatre. During these years many renowned choreographers, art experts share their experience and pass their knowledge to the Armenian art students and professionals. In October, Swiss born choreographer, tutor and performer Gabrielle Neuhaus from Israel held the master classes on Contemporary dance with the students of Armenian State Pedagogical Institute. In February we organized two master classes. At the beginning of February, Talin Büyükkürkciyan, an Independent choreographer, improviser and performer from Istanbul, conducted master classes at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinematography presenting “Contact improvisation” to students. In the middle of February, Nicole Seiler, a choreographer and dance instructor of “Contact improvisation” genre from Switzerland, conducted master classes at the Arina Araratyan Dance Studio presenting “Contemporary Dance” to students. The master classes are continuous.