


2018, ”Taniel”- Arthouse short film

”Taniel”is a short arthouse film in ‘film noir’ style, looking at the last months of Armenian poet Taniel Varoujan’s life.

DirectorGaro Berberian

NarratorSean Bean

2015,  “Remembering Armenia” – Documentary movie

This movie is based on the interviews of MIHR Theatre members and the performance “Komitas’ 10 commandments”, This movie is dedicated to the Armenian Genocide 100th year.

2013, “The Harkanain(percussion) instrument” – Documentary/educational feature film

This movie is telling about the creation and artistic rising of Armenian percussion instruments.

2013, “Zaum Tractor” – Video Art

This video art is based on the Zaum poetry.

2008, “Qamancha” – Documentary/educational feature film

Qamancha is an Armenian ancient musical instrument.
This movie is telling about the creation and artistic rising of Qamancha.

2007, “Roots” – Dance movie with ethno-modern sculptures

This movie is based on the open-air performance “Roots”; it is a unique mix of
performance with Ancient Gods and symbols with ethno-modern sculptures!

2007, “Angel on the Roofs” Dance movie

This movie is based on Marc Chagall’s paintings! There are characters from his paintings
and life!

2006, “Dreams or Reality” – Social movie

It is about humanity! There are a lot of difficulties in communication with disabled
people. The film is just a view and an idea how to solve this problem.

Project details