‘’Black Lines on Grey’’ or ''White Lines on Black'' is a contemporary dance performance created during ''Revisiting the Roaring Twenties 1920/2020: Art, Culture and the École de Paris'' residency at the L'AIR Arts 2020 in Paris, France.
The Song Of A Refugee - 2018
“The Song of a Refugee” is a musical genre among Armenian national songs. It is not only about geographical migration, but also about loss and longing for the homeland.
We - 2017
''WE'' inclusive dance performance is based on the discussion of the concept of public unity. The society consists of many layers, and these layers have different problems, but at the same time they need to be united around some issues.
Lavash - 2015
The contemporary dance performance Lavash is the result of the first ever collaboration between Armenian and Israeli artists.
Names - 2015
The Names contemporary dance performance is dedicated to the 100 year commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
The Fly - 2014
The contemporary dance performance is a combination of the contemporary dance and live music; it is presented in site-specific style.
No More Lies - 2014
The world we live in, is created on lies. And whether one lives in that world or in a world without lies depends on ones choices.
The Sound Of Loneliness - 2013
The performance "The Sound of Loneliness" is about a prisoner, a turnkey and loneliness. No matter
where you are, loneliness always follows you.
Conversation of Thoughts - 2012
Thoughts and people are not identical, but like-minded people are identified with similar thoughts.
The Suicidal - 2011
He is unsatisfied with everything. Unhappy about the reality that surrounds him and the system of values of the world itself.
The Murderer - 2011
He kills because he is powerless. He does not agree to the fact that everyone is mortal including himself.
The Mortally Ill - 2011
Everything happens in the hospital ward for the mortally ill. The heroine of the play has only several days left to live.
Dreams In Dreams - 2010
The play opens the curtains of the world of human dreams, the connection between reality and subconsciousness.
Black Castle - 2010
The “Black Castle” is a contemporary dance performance which has been created in 2010, in Armenia by Mihr Theatre.
Komitas 10 Commandments - 2009
The Contemporary Dance Performance is dedicated to Komitas “Vardapet” (priest) 140th anniversary and is based on his work “Ten commandments addressed to the singer”.
Sasna Tsrer. Sanasar and Baghdasar - 2008
The Contemporary Dance Performance is based on the first part of Armenian national epos “Sasna Tsrer”.
The Colors - 2007
There are four colors, four characters, four different emotions. An individual is in the color and in his feelings.
Am I Crazy - 2006
The contemporary dance performance “Am I crazy?” discloses the psychological state of the individual creator, who is always on the verge.
Roots - 2005
“Roots” is a contemporary dance, open-air performance, an innovative insight into Armenian ancient and mythical traditions.
Creation - 2004
The contemporary dance performance “Creation” is a unique mixture of graphics, dance, pantomime and yoga based on Bible.
Which Is Our Guilt, God - 2003
The contemporary dance performance “Which is our guilt, God?” is about Man who is in the middle of God and Sin.